Fix Your Mix
Sometimes it’s easier to use a boxed mix than I prefer to bake from scratch. The dry ingredients are already mixed together in the box and you only need to add the liquids, which is usually eggs, oil and water, in any order.
It sounds easy, but what happens if you add four times the amount of water (or any other liquid ingredient)? It can be a bit of a problem if the easy 1, 2, or 3 instructions do not tell you what you should do if you deviate from the recipe. From my own experience, I have discovered some tips that will ensure your baked goods turn out perfect even if you add a few more ingredients.
Too many eggs
Once you realize your baking mistake (and hopefully they haven’t yet made it into the oven), do this first thing. Assess the situation. Your baked goods may turn out cakey if you have added an extra yolk. Check the consistency of your batter after you have thoroughly mixed it. The batter should be thick, but still runny enough that it can pour from the bowl on its own when you tilt it. If the mixture seems too runny, add another tablespoon of flour. Mix and repeat until you get the desired consistency.
Extra Water or Oil
You’ll have to add extra dry ingredients to make up for the excess oil or water in your mixture. To even out the mix, you’ll have to add more flour. You can either eyeball the amount you need, or add it in tablespoons until you get the right texture.